About Hijab Shop
Source (google.com.pk)
Abaya designs has been changed with time. New Abaya and Hijab styles are available and we have organized a beautiful collection for the ladies. As far as I remember or I have studied that Abaya used to be simple black dress with loose ends. It was worn by Arab women while going out of the house. It is considered both religiously and socially important. The Arab society is considered to be the society of riches. With the discovery of oil the Arabs of Middle East flourished in the way no one imagined. Yet they did not left their traditions. Instead they gave new meaning to tradition and custom so it can be adopted by their new generation. The same happened with Abaya designs. Now there are different types of Abayas available in the market such as Dubai Abaya, Saudi Abaya.
Prices of Abaya Designs
Abaya is considered very important in Islamic world. The design Abaya also vary from country to country same as the price. I have collected some of the Top Abaya in the world from the Internet. The list of Top Abaya includes Abaya with diamond and gold embroidery work. So you can imagine the price of such Abaya and they can be bought by Rich Arabs belonging to Royal Families. On the other hand there are simple Abaya designs available in the local markets at much cheaper rates. These Abaya can be worn on daily basis. Abaya is often followed by Beautiful Hijab Styles
Different Abaya Designs
Like dresses there are different Abaya designs worn at different occasions such as Bridal Abaya Design. The bridal Abaya is specifically designed for brides and is decorated accordingly. The day to day Abaya are designed to make them look elegant and easier to wear. The party wear Abaya are latest innovation. These Abaya are currently focused by fashion designers. The Abaya industry has become the part of fashion industry and there are numerous Abaya fashion shows held every year. The main aim of these shows are to demonstrate the latest style of Abaya. It is considered to be a platform to introduce the Arab tradition to the world.
The Abaya is now not only limited to Arab world. It is worn in different non-Arab countries like Pakistan and India. Many other Muslim countries wear Abaya in different forms. Due to cultural changes the shape and design of Abaya differ in different countries. Yet the basic purpose remains the same which is to cover the body.
The Hijab should cover the hair, ears, neck and chest. It can be worn in any way so as to meet
these requirements.
Here we have made a few suggestions for any new hijabis or those searching for a new look.
Be creative, experiment and go for something you feel is right, appropriate and comfortable.
Alhamdulillah TheHijabShop.com is the first to launch the latest hijab innovations direct from Jordan. Designed and produced in Jordan by Aroub Hijab Co, we are currently selling 4 designs: Asma, Al-Aroub, Lubna and Al-Hour.
These are hijabs as you’ve never seen them before! Each has its own very unique design. Not only are they made from the finest material, each one can be wrapped in different ways to suit your mood, taste, and occasion! Al-Aroub and Lubna are totally pin free and yet very secure.
Do something different for 2005 and be the first to try this new look. Don't just take our word for it,
Handmade hijabpins made with the best quality of material and craftsmanship. Each style of pin is unique. These pins are silver, rhodium and nickel plated and will not rust over time. The gems are Swarovski crystal, firepolished glass, and Austrian crystal with sterling silver components. Functional yet attractive, these pins will be a purchase you will be sure to enjoy for a long time to come.
An exciting new range of hijab pins at a bargain low price of £1.99 each. Available in several colours so you can mix and match with different outfits.
Be sure to also check out our limited edition brooches.
The Hijab Shop is a company based in England, bringing you a wide range of the latest headscarves. The meaning of hijab is modest dress and nowadays is specifically referred to as the headscarf. Our headscarves can be worn to work, school, parties, around the home – anywhere you want!
Our aim, inshaAllah, is to bring you a shop that you do not need a train ticket or bus pass to get to. If you live in an area where resources are few and far between, then fear no longer! You can shop in the comfort of your own home and have your order delivered to your door in days..
You’ll find our unique range of hijabs competitively priced and 10% of your money will be going to muslim charities and muslim community projects, therefore not only will you be purchasing a hijab for yourself but inshaAllah helping the muslim ummah at the same time!
The Hijab Shop has a range of other features. We stock a wide range of brooches, bandanas and pins that can accessorise any hijab you choose. Also, with the “Design your own pin” section you can get creative and create your own unique pin.
Furthermore, if you are new to wearing a hijab or are still thinking about it, we have a section on “How to wear”. This will give you inspiration and ideas to help you get acquainted with wearing a hijab. Gone are the days where the hijab is looked upon as being boring and bleak. We have a range of hijabs to suit every style and taste. So if you have been put off about wearing the hijab, then let The Hijab Shop help you.
We hope you will enjoy browsing our website, it has been brought to you by The Hijab Shop team and we endeavour to bring a service for the Muslim people who can benefit from it and inshaAllah please the Al-Mighty.
Abaya designs has been changed with time. New Abaya and Hijab styles are available and we have organized a beautiful collection for the ladies. As far as I remember or I have studied that Abaya used to be simple black dress with loose ends. It was worn by Arab women while going out of the house. It is considered both religiously and socially important. The Arab society is considered to be the society of riches. With the discovery of oil the Arabs of Middle East flourished in the way no one imagined. Yet they did not left their traditions. Instead they gave new meaning to tradition and custom so it can be adopted by their new generation. The same happened with Abaya designs. Now there are different types of Abayas available in the market such as Dubai Abaya, Saudi Abaya.
Prices of Abaya Designs
Abaya is considered very important in Islamic world. The design Abaya also vary from country to country same as the price. I have collected some of the Top Abaya in the world from the Internet. The list of Top Abaya includes Abaya with diamond and gold embroidery work. So you can imagine the price of such Abaya and they can be bought by Rich Arabs belonging to Royal Families. On the other hand there are simple Abaya designs available in the local markets at much cheaper rates. These Abaya can be worn on daily basis. Abaya is often followed by Beautiful Hijab Styles
Different Abaya Designs
Like dresses there are different Abaya designs worn at different occasions such as Bridal Abaya Design. The bridal Abaya is specifically designed for brides and is decorated accordingly. The day to day Abaya are designed to make them look elegant and easier to wear. The party wear Abaya are latest innovation. These Abaya are currently focused by fashion designers. The Abaya industry has become the part of fashion industry and there are numerous Abaya fashion shows held every year. The main aim of these shows are to demonstrate the latest style of Abaya. It is considered to be a platform to introduce the Arab tradition to the world.
The Abaya is now not only limited to Arab world. It is worn in different non-Arab countries like Pakistan and India. Many other Muslim countries wear Abaya in different forms. Due to cultural changes the shape and design of Abaya differ in different countries. Yet the basic purpose remains the same which is to cover the body.
The Hijab should cover the hair, ears, neck and chest. It can be worn in any way so as to meet
these requirements.
Here we have made a few suggestions for any new hijabis or those searching for a new look.
Be creative, experiment and go for something you feel is right, appropriate and comfortable.
Alhamdulillah TheHijabShop.com is the first to launch the latest hijab innovations direct from Jordan. Designed and produced in Jordan by Aroub Hijab Co, we are currently selling 4 designs: Asma, Al-Aroub, Lubna and Al-Hour.
These are hijabs as you’ve never seen them before! Each has its own very unique design. Not only are they made from the finest material, each one can be wrapped in different ways to suit your mood, taste, and occasion! Al-Aroub and Lubna are totally pin free and yet very secure.
Do something different for 2005 and be the first to try this new look. Don't just take our word for it,
Handmade hijabpins made with the best quality of material and craftsmanship. Each style of pin is unique. These pins are silver, rhodium and nickel plated and will not rust over time. The gems are Swarovski crystal, firepolished glass, and Austrian crystal with sterling silver components. Functional yet attractive, these pins will be a purchase you will be sure to enjoy for a long time to come.
An exciting new range of hijab pins at a bargain low price of £1.99 each. Available in several colours so you can mix and match with different outfits.
Be sure to also check out our limited edition brooches.
The Hijab Shop is a company based in England, bringing you a wide range of the latest headscarves. The meaning of hijab is modest dress and nowadays is specifically referred to as the headscarf. Our headscarves can be worn to work, school, parties, around the home – anywhere you want!
Our aim, inshaAllah, is to bring you a shop that you do not need a train ticket or bus pass to get to. If you live in an area where resources are few and far between, then fear no longer! You can shop in the comfort of your own home and have your order delivered to your door in days..
You’ll find our unique range of hijabs competitively priced and 10% of your money will be going to muslim charities and muslim community projects, therefore not only will you be purchasing a hijab for yourself but inshaAllah helping the muslim ummah at the same time!
The Hijab Shop has a range of other features. We stock a wide range of brooches, bandanas and pins that can accessorise any hijab you choose. Also, with the “Design your own pin” section you can get creative and create your own unique pin.
Furthermore, if you are new to wearing a hijab or are still thinking about it, we have a section on “How to wear”. This will give you inspiration and ideas to help you get acquainted with wearing a hijab. Gone are the days where the hijab is looked upon as being boring and bleak. We have a range of hijabs to suit every style and taste. So if you have been put off about wearing the hijab, then let The Hijab Shop help you.
We hope you will enjoy browsing our website, it has been brought to you by The Hijab Shop team and we endeavour to bring a service for the Muslim people who can benefit from it and inshaAllah please the Al-Mighty.
We believe in a particular philosophy in Islam for woman's hijab or modest dress which forms our intellectual point of view and in regard to analysis, it can be called the basis for the Islamic modest dress.
Before we begin our discussion, it is necessary to look at the meaning of the word hijab which is used in our age to refer to a woman's covering. This word gives the sense of 'covering' because it refers to a veil or a means of 'covering' . Perhaps it can be said that because of the origin of the word, not every covering is hijab. That 'covering' which is referred to as a hijab is that which appears behind a curtain. The Holy Quran describes the setting of the sun in the story of the Prophet Solomon,
"...until the sun was covered (bil hijab) and time for the afternoon ritual prayer was over." (38:32)
The diaphragm separating the heart from the stomach is also called 'hijab'.
In the advice given by Imam Ali to Malik Ashtar, he states, " ... prolong not your seclusion (hijab) from your subjects, for a ruler's seclusion from his subjects is a kind of constraint and (results in) a lack of knowledge of affairs. Seclusion from them cuts rulers off from the knowledge of that from which they have been secluded.
Ibn Khaldun says in the Muqaddimah, "Governments do not consider a separation to exist between themselves and the people at the beginning of their formation but little by little, the separation and distance between the ruler and the people grows and finally it causes unpleasant results."2 Ibn Khaldun used the word hijab in the sense of meaning 'curtain' and 'separation' and not 'covering'.
The use of the word satr, in the sense of 'covering' was used instead of hijab, especially by the religious jurisprudents. The religious jurisprudents, whether in the section on the ritual prayers or inthe section on marriage, refer to this issue and use the word satr and not hijab.
It would have been best if the word had not been changed and we had continued to use the word 'covering' or satr because, as we have said, the prevalent meaning of the word hijab is veil. If it is to be used in the sense of 'covering', it gives the idea of a woman being placed behind a curtain. This very thing has caused a great number of people to think that Islam has wanted women to always remain behind a curtain, to be imprisoned in the house and not to leave it.
The duty for covering, which has been established for women in Islam, does not necessarily mean that they should not leave their homes. It is not the intention of Islam to imprison women. We may find such ideas in the ancient, pre-Islamic past of some countries like Iran or India but no such thing exists in Islam.
The philosophy behind the hijab for woman in Islam is that she should cover her body in her associations with men 'whom she is not related to according to the Divine Law'3 (na-mahram) and that she does not flaunt and display herself. The verses of the Holy Quran which refer to this issue affirm this and the edicts of the religious jurisprudents confirm it. We will refer to the extent of this covering by using the Quran and the Sunnah as sources. The relevant verses do not refer to the word hijab. Verses which refer to this issue, whether in Surah Nur (Chapter 24) or Surah Ahzab (Chapter 33), have mentioned the extent of the covering and contacts between men and women without using the word hijab. The verse in which the word hijab is used refers to the wives of the Holy Prophet of Islam.
Hijab Shop Abaya Designs 2014 Dress Collection Dubai Styles Fashion Pics Photos Images Wallpapers
Hijab Shop Abaya Designs 2014 Dress Collection Dubai Styles Fashion Pics Photos Images Wallpapers
Hijab Shop Abaya Designs 2014 Dress Collection Dubai Styles Fashion Pics Photos Images Wallpapers
Hijab Shop Abaya Designs 2014 Dress Collection Dubai Styles Fashion Pics Photos Images Wallpapers
Hijab Shop Abaya Designs 2014 Dress Collection Dubai Styles Fashion Pics Photos Images Wallpapers
Hijab Shop Abaya Designs 2014 Dress Collection Dubai Styles Fashion Pics Photos Images Wallpapers
Hijab Shop Abaya Designs 2014 Dress Collection Dubai Styles Fashion Pics Photos Images Wallpapers
Hijab Shop Abaya Designs 2014 Dress Collection Dubai Styles Fashion Pics Photos Images Wallpapers
Hijab Shop Abaya Designs 2014 Dress Collection Dubai Styles Fashion Pics Photos Images Wallpapers
Hijab Shop Abaya Designs 2014 Dress Collection Dubai Styles Fashion Pics Photos Images Wallpapers
Hijab Shop Abaya Designs 2014 Dress Collection Dubai Styles Fashion Pics Photos Images Wallpapers
Hijab Shop Abaya Designs 2014 Dress Collection Dubai Styles Fashion Pics Photos Images Wallpapers
Hijab Shop Abaya Designs 2014 Dress Collection Dubai Styles Fashion Pics Photos Images Wallpapers

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